Weekly Events Roundup - Nov 19-25Nov 19, 20241 min readComing up this week in Winnipeg human rights events:TODAYFamily Violence Awareness Elder teachingsWEDNESDAYFamily Violence Awareness: Exploring Self-CompassionTransgender Day of Remembrance Sacred Fire & FeastTHURSDAYNavigating Climate Grief and Anxiety WorkshopFRIDAYEmpowering IWG2S+ Provincial Strategy LaunchWeekly Climate Justice Rally Anti-Black Racism Focus GroupSATURDAYClimate Change Poetry WorkshopSUNDAYFree admission at CMHR NEXT MONDAYWalk for the Elimination of Violence Against Women
Coming up this week in Winnipeg human rights events:TODAYFamily Violence Awareness Elder teachingsWEDNESDAYFamily Violence Awareness: Exploring Self-CompassionTransgender Day of Remembrance Sacred Fire & FeastTHURSDAYNavigating Climate Grief and Anxiety WorkshopFRIDAYEmpowering IWG2S+ Provincial Strategy LaunchWeekly Climate Justice Rally Anti-Black Racism Focus GroupSATURDAYClimate Change Poetry WorkshopSUNDAYFree admission at CMHR NEXT MONDAYWalk for the Elimination of Violence Against Women