It’s a busy one, Winnipeg! Coming up in Human Rights events this week:
JUN 11: Bike Week Winnipeg Bike for the Future: a ride to demand climate justice for our children *FREE
JUN 11: Bike Week Winnipeg Birthday Bash *FREE
JUN 14: Indigenous Music "Niso Aschaquet | Evening for Two-Spirit Music Makers in Honour of Pride & Indigenous History Month” *FREE
JUN 15-17 CMHR “Guilt and decolonization: navigating emotions in the pursuit of action” workshops *FREE
JUN 17: APTN Indigenous Day Live at the Forks *FREE
Free Friday night admission at the Canadian Museum for Human Rights
"Ukrainian Artists United” at CMHR - Until Sept 30
Rainbow Resource Centre “If These Walls Could Talk” at the Manitoba Museum - Until Dec 3